A Unique, Multi-Age Classroom, PK-8th Grade School Nestled in the Quiet Corner of Northeastern Connecticut

Mission Statement: The Union School District is a dynamic learning community dedicated to providing a superior educational experience which challenges, supports and prepares every student for success in a changing world.

Nurses' Corner
We are your nurses—Lois Demurjian and LeeAnn Rossi-Brothers! We are here every day to help keep your children healthy.
Some general information for you:
We thank you for sending in the Health Questionnaire so promptly. Please keep us up to date during the school year if your child has any medical procedure, a new health condition, or a change in health status.
Mandated by the State of Connecticut is hearing, vision, and scoliosis screening for certain grades. We will notify you when the screenings take place and we will be glad to screen your child even if he/she is not in the mandated grade.
Our goal here at Union School is to provide a healthy environment in which our students can learn and grow. The following guidelines aim to achieve this goal.
If your child has a fever of 100 or above, please keep him/her home for 24 hours after the fever has subsided without medication, with the exception of antibiotics.
Please keep your child home with any contagious symptoms for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided (i.e. vomiting, diarrhea, fever).
We teach good handwashing, coughing into his/her arm, and turning away from other students to prevent spreading of germs and follow the school’s Covid 19 Policy and Plan.
Please call the attendance line before 9 a.m. to report your child’s absence. It is state law that we must know where all our students are.
Any questions? Please call us (ext.107) or email to nurse@unionschool.net
860-684-3146, ext. 107